
Lower back pain, w/Leg Pain & Numbness

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  1. I am 55 years old, have had back pain for many many years. Within the last few years I have repeatedly gone to the chiropractor with no relief. I believe in this treatment but suggest getting an MRI before getting this type of treatment. I finally went through two back surgeries, one in May of 2006, the other in Dec. of 2007. The last being a fushion. I found out I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. Please go to a neurologist. I'm really suprised your doctor hasn't suggested this by now. Since my surgeries were delayed for so long, I now have permanent nerve damage, a disease called peripheral neuropathy. I take medication for this, sounds like for the rest of my life. Its no fun, the pain is awful and I'm now having problems walking. I do know the feeling of feeling older than I am. I just want to tell you, look in to this. You've suffered long enough. Don't put it off.......back pain leads to other problems.

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