
Lower back tattoos- Once wildly popular, now seemingly universally hated. Why? ?

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I find it hard to believe that people can truly find something appealing, then suddenly dislike it. I feel like everyone just goes with the popular opinion.




  1. "I feel like everyone just goes with the popular opinion."

    Well, duh!!!!!! That's how things work in life. People are naturally followers. Leaders and independent minded are few and far in between.

    They're hated because they are usually viewed as tramp stamps(loose women symbol), and many respectable women don't want to be associated with it.

    Fads come, fads go. This isn't the first, and surely won't be the last

  2. "To everything Turn turn turn there is a season turn turn turn "

    may sound familiar from a Bible verse and or a Beatles song. But that is the reason, time changes *trends change*, people change *when they get older* and so the things you may have liked 5 years ago , you no longer find appealing. I mean I am sure that if you look at pictures of yourself 5 years ago you might find yourself asking "What the heck was I thinking?"  

  3. its the same as tribal tattoos, yosemite sam tattoos, s****. doo, anchors, blah blah blah.  Its a phase, you just gotta make sure you get what you get because you honestly like it, and hope it doesnt become some ut of style trend piece.

  4. i think it's because lots of people got them, and got butterflies and flowers, and the overdone wherever they are: tribals. people got sick of seeing the same thing everywhere. and i think the infamous 'tramp stamp' referrals made it a negative thing to some people. it was a big trend, and like all trends they faded.

  5. Its because everyone went out and got one  

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