
Lower braces hurt like c**p? help?

by Guest65685  |  earlier

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my lower braces keep hurting like c**p, i just got them on two days ago from tommorow, i keep takeing tylonel and its makeing the pain go away fro a little bit but it keeps comeing back, help!!!!




  1. Eat cold stuff like ice cream, suck on an ice cube it'll make your mouth go numb so you can't feel the pain for a little while.

    If you want more info go here:

  2. It will feel like that and nothing will really work because it was the same for me.  I did find out that cold things like Popsicles and iced carbonated soda's worked for me.

  3. eat ice cream and soft foods, also use wax and put it on the braces were it is sore  it helps if ur getting blisters and to stop from blistering.  

  4. advil works better and don't worry in a few days it will feel better..

    oh the joys of braces!

  5. You can expect discomfort but intense pain is not normal.

    Call the Dentist. The baces may need some adjustments.


  6. i got my braces about 10 months ago and when i first got them they were fine, i only felt like my teeth were a little tight. then the next day i fely like i was ganna die, but i kept taking tylenol and in about 3 days all the pain went away and i was fine, even when they are tightened that is nothing compared to the first time you get them on.

  7. advil

  8. for me, ibuprofen works the best. I have braces too :( it's gonna be worth it though once they come off! wow you just got them on eh? it's gonna hurt for a few weeks probably. the doctors say its gonna hurt for a few days but for me it just kept hurting for like two weeks. then i got used to it :) so it's really not that bad, but for me ibuprofen worked really well! advil was good too

  9. Suck on ice. Don't chew it just suck on the ice should make the pain go a way a little bit. I've never had braces but when I got my lip pierced thats what they told me to do and it has to do with your mouth so maybe that will help  haha. Umm. or try some orejel or when ever it's called.

    When it numbs your teeth when you have a tooth ache.

  10. If it's pain all around the teeth there's not much you can do till your mouth gets adjusted (shouldn't take more than a couple more days).  If its raw from the metal scaping your gums, there is something they sale at Walmart in the pharmacy section that should help.  It's little wax dots and they are the perfect size for tender spots, just put them on the braces were it is hurting your gums.  They were a life saver for my daughter when she got her braces.

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