
Lower percentage of McDojos?

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Which martial art do you think has better quality control over its instruction, Parker's American Kenpo or Krav Maga? Not asking which art is better, or inquiring about other arts, I was just wondering, in general, which discipline sees better instruction?

Thank you.




  1. This is mostly a response to Katana:

    The nice thing about MMA schools is that you can easily verify the competition record of your instructors as well as the competition records of the fighters they train. This gives a quick and easy way to know if the school is legit or not. If the instructor has never fought, and none of his students have fought, then it's not a good MMA school. The instructor could even have a losing record and it would be better than no record. Great trainers aren't always great fighters, but that means he should have some students with solid records.

    It's a lot harder to pass yourself off as an MMA school than it is to pass yourself off as a Kung Fu School.

  2. I agree with much of what sixtus said, except for the last part. It seems like MMA schools have started popping up all over, and that all of a sudden many more people are qualified to teach it. Sad but true that it has become more popular, as karate and TKD did in the 80's, so more people are going to try and make a buck off of it.

    But hey guy's you will get used to being judged for and degraded as not being good because of all the posers, fanboys, wanna be's, and McMMA schools, just like we did.

    What goes around comes around I guess.

  3. I understand your question. first i'll give you my answer, then an off topic lecture. :D

    the lowest percentage bullshit dojos of those probably held by Krav maga.

    though for krav maga, it is getting worse too.

    the reason is,(lecture time)krav maga was not designed to be the 'all round system' fashionably practiced for suburban slobs it is now.

    it was like most army systems, a few quick and easy to remember techniques taught in a short time period so a large group of average people could absorb it in the shortest time.

    whether it is a first aid lesson, a radio lesson or a self defence teachnique military systems are not able , and never calimed to turn people into the best at whatever it is.

    otherwise a platoon medic would be better at brain surgery than an actual surgeon for example.

    my honest advice if you have the time to devote to a self defence art, is to learn MMA, where about 99.999%( yes five significant figures there) of clubs are realistic.

    then incoorporate any extra 'dirty moves' yourself as needed.

  4. Krav Maga

    Any art with American Kempo is normally a chain of mcdojos.

  5. I don't think that you can quantify this question with a correct answer.  All fighting arts vary from instructor to instructor and school to school. you will find good ones and bad ones everywhere. I have seen so much of this over the last 41 years that I have become jaded. Although I try to keep an open mind, I find that I will assume that a school is not that good until I see what they do.  Mcdojo are everywhere in all arts.  Each should be judged not by the system taught but by the quality and completeness of what is taught

  6. I prefer Krav Maga over kenpo because its entire focus is self defense and vicious offense. It has no bowing and no kata, unlike virtually all styles of kenpo. Tradition has its place in the martial arts world, but I have no use for it in a street fight. There are some great kenpo instructors and I studied kenpo along with other styles. I like kenpo's throat strikes and standing arm locks and wrist breaks. You will also find similar techniques in Krav Maga.

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