
Lowering the drinking age to 18 - my take?

by  |  earlier

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1) One can go to war but not have a beer

- counterpoint: lower the age for those in the military

-counter-counterpoint - not fair all men are equal

2) Parents need to be responsible for preventing kids from DUI, not the government.

3) Some kids who have never had an alcoholic beverage hit college and drink their guts out in one night. Next morning they wake up in a hospital, or sometimes they don't wake up at all.




  1. 1.  All men are NOT equal in respect to being responsible.  Sorry, but you must give up a few rights for the welfare of others.  We don't draft for the military anymore, so no one's being made to go to war.

    2.  The government has a responsibility to protect those unable to defend themselves.

    3.  Counties where the age is lower, also have fewer drivers because cars are expensive and mass transiet more available.

    4.  How about we change the driving age to 21??

  2. kids under 18 drink- - -that's a fact... kids under 18 who DO drink are more likely to be in fatal accidents ...   When I was a child, the drinking age WAS 18... kids seem to think they are indestructible---that nothing bad will ever happen to them.   Ask the few hundred thousand or so who have been killed or permanently disfigured because at 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 they chose to drink and then get in a car and either drive drunk or let someone else drive drunk...  Statistics prove that kids 21 and UNDER are at the biggest risk for car accidents...and other NONSENSE ACCIDENTS when drinking... so, laws were passed to raise the drinking age.   ... MAYBE there should be an exception for those IN the military who are actually in a war zone, but then, why would they want to drink and then handle a gun?  I'd actually like to see the DRIVING AGE raised to 21 too..... kids are DANGEROUS on the road. more so now with so many more cars on the road then ever...  Drinking isn't all it's cracked up to be anyway...

  3. For me the most important point is that people can fight and die for their country but not drink a beer. That's not right. If you can trust an 18 year old with an automatic rifle in a war zone you can trust them to drink responsibly. At least it wouldn't be so hypocritical if the minimum age to join the military was 21(not that I'm saying it should be).

    But there are the studies that support it as well. Especially when it comes to college, like you said. I've known people like that, who were under the thumb of their parents their entire lives, then go to college, have their first taste of freedom, and go hog wild. This is why in European countries where underage drinking is much less taboo alcoholism isn't the problem it is in North America among young people.

  4. In many foreign countries where there is no age limit for drinking there are fewer drunk drivers, etc.  The youths in those countries don't see alcohol as a "forbidden fruit" and don't abuse it.

    In the US, people hit 21 and get wasted (if they haven't already tried it by then).

    But the drinking age should definitely be lowered.  In my opinion, it shouldn't exist at all.  But 18 is certainly better than 21.

  5. Point 1~ Possibly, but only for the military and only on post.  There is no equality, in fact any state could choose right now to lower its drinking age, however it would lose federal funding for transportation.  There are also different driving ages throughout the country.

    Point 2~ You're talking about lowering the drinking age to 18, the age in which kids can kindly tell mom and dad where to go if they wish as they head out the door.  Even those who aren't eager to get out from under mom and dad, are responsible for themselves, no longer their folks.

    Point 3~  Most kids don't hit college until their 18, so how would making it legal at 18 change your scenario any more?  Unless the first drinks would happen while their seniors in high school, making alcohol even more available to freshmen, sophomores and juniors (14-17 year olds).

    Added:  Being on your own and being responsible for yourself are two different things.  If an 18 year old gets a DUI, regardless of where they stand with mom and dad, they're going down on their own.  And no, mom and dad have no legal obligation to protect the public from their adult children and any drinking that may occur, but the government does.

  6. in my country the age limit is if you can see past the bar or hold a drink in your hand then you have the right to drink. since i always lived back home and i was used to this , i came to calitfornia and got a dui at the age of 17 so no.

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