
Loyola College, Melbourne, Haunted History?

by Guest398  |  earlier

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Does anyone know about Loyola College In Melbourne (Watsonia) That It's haunted? I heard that on the third floor of Old Loyola you can hear a ghost (student) who killed themselves on that floor, scream?

Does anyone have Information of a straight-forward story about It?





  1. Guest34117

    my 3.5 year old daughter awoke at 2 am, came into my room last night wide eyed and saying there was a girl talking to her near the curtains,why is she talking to me in the curtains? I said what did they say? "I don't know mummy", the curtains are talking, I checked her room nothing, she said the fairy had wings and went out the window up into the sky, I asked her what did she look like? she said she was playing with all her friends from kinda, she said she was nice and happy. good back to bed. this morning she told me her name was polly and drew a picture of her with a long dress, and hat - hat very important. Curious this afternoon and typed polly the angel into google and came across this!.. wierd thing is we live really close to this school, only 5 mins away.

  2. I currently go to loyola and I have heard about the story with the tower. some say that she jumped or was pushed what really happened? But I didn't know that her spirit still haunts the corridors 

  3. its not true it must be out of bounce its fake mabye girls speard lies like year 10,s so they could like smoke there ghosts cant conect to the living trust me when i say this fake

  4. my friend had a drana class and she heard " polly" bang the door and laugh even the teacher said, oh thats the ghost called polly, its true guys lol i go there and everyone is scared when the walk in the hall way on the 3rd part of old loyola even i am :P

  5. i just had my orientation day today, and one of the teachers who showed my group around said, loyola collage used to be a priest thingo, where they learned how to be a priest or something, and then it was a police acadmy but then loyola brought it in 1980. but the teacher said a girl named polly's ghost remains on the 3rd level, near the bel tower as she jumped from a rope to her death. they even said google it.

  6. ghosts! aaaah!

  7. its true the ghost is real although her name is not really Polly, 2 drama teachers made the name up. everybody who used to stay at that school over night or who were cleaners would hear her running, laughing or singing in the building. one of the teachers even got caught in a room that Polly locked for 10 min.she has haunted one drama class once about 4 years ago but that's the last known story so far. Polly had fallen off a rope from climbing it and fell to her death. although she is still here to this day. and also she wasn't a student. and she did not want to do a jump into the fountain or anything on purpose.

  8. my teacher told me the story today, it is all true
    but she died because her dad worked at the police training ground and the was climbing a rope that the police officers use for training and she was climbing it and fell since it was hanging off one of the old loyola decks.. but everything is true about the ghost.

  9. nobody tried to jump into the fountain, it apparently happened in the 70's when it was a police training ground. a little girl fell and died, and her real name wasnt polly.

  10. i currently attend this school and a teacher took my class up to the bell tower. 2 people died up there. One of those people died in a shower and the other jumped off a balcony (Polly).

  11. i current go to loyola college, we have all heard the stories about polly, but no one that i know has actually experience it first hand, but we are all still about curious when we walk about 3rd floor, and near the bell tower.

  12. The Ghost is true its an old story a girl once went into the tower she tried to jump into  founten but she missed and sadly died. And now the ghost still reamans

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