
Loyoto Machida VS Thiago Silva at UFC 89!! Who will Win and why??

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Who do you think will win this matchup and why?




  1. two of my favorite fighters...both 13-0...should be great!

    id say silva has the strength advantage, whereas machida has the striking advantage...though silva is great on the ground and his strong point is BJJ, machida also has a blackbelt in that dept...if machidas unorthodox karate striking and smart fight management is there, he can take this one...however any sloppy moves or wrong decisions and silva will capitalize, hes a beast...

  2. I'm torn on this one, Silva has never really impressed me much but he is still a good fighter I just don't think he has really been tested yet, his best win is over James Irvin and that was only because Irvin suffered an injury during the fight.  Machida has face a little better competition with Ortiz who he made look like a fool in their fight and Sokoudjou who every thought was going to be the next big thing and he subs him.  I think it will be close but I have to go with Machida on this one he seems to always have a great strategy going into his fights and it always works plus with the higher level competition he has faced gives him an edge, Silva still needs to be tested and this could be it.

  3. i really cant say, its gonna be a great fight though.  one guy is non stop always coming at you and the other is a defensive counter striking master.  it will be SICK

  4. I think Loyoto will win hes just a much beter all around fighter I think....also UFC is starting to blow every fight  card gets shittier but thats my opinion

  5. i would have to say machida...he is the most underrated fighter in the ufc...

  6. Machida is too much for Silva

  7. Machida. I don't think Silva will be able to get close enough to him.

  8. machida

  9. I Want Silva to win this fight soooo bad. Silva is way stronger but if Machida fights like he did against Tito than I think Machida will win. But I think that Silva will be the aggressor and take the fight to the mat. I say Silva by decision.

  10. if machida can use his stick and move fighting without getting caught or taken down he will win by decision.

    but if they go to the ground i think thigao will win by g'n'p in the 2nd round

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