
Ls there ?

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A spot for a researcher on a paranormal investigation team ? Do you only accept psychics or 'special' people ? Cuz l ain't 'special' in any way but l want to prove to myself [and possibly the whole world] that the earth is not that mundane .

No l haven't been in any paranormal situations before ,nothing out of explanation has occured in my life so l have this goal to see for myself if the normal is paranormal

Any teams made any discovery with evidence yet ?

lm not speaking only for myself ,there are alot of people like me out there who are seeking ways to prove the world less mundane so TEAMS introduce yourselves here :>




  1. The world is far from mundane.It's a place full of wonder,danger and excitement.Why look to the silly world of the paranormal?Hopefully you'll keep an open mind and see the paranormal for what it is.A false view of the world created by the foolish.Believed in by the gullible and exploited by the dishonest..Sorry to be so blunt but I felt you needed a good shot of reality.

  2. I'm just a "Death Note" fan and was glad to see the L reference!  LOL!  (I don't have a team...Sorry.)

  3. I love Death Note.

    I am a shinigami.

  4. What does L's stand for ???

    Here's a website for someone who might can use you. He used to come on this section a lot..but haven't seen him around in a long time. There might be a place on his website that you can contact him. His name is Ryan.

  5. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative biologists, has revolutionized scientific thinking with his vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory. He first worked in developmental biology and is best known for his theory of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance. His latest book, "The Sense of Being Stared at" develops his concept of the extended mind.

    The Institute of Noetic Sciences Explores the frontiers of consciousness to advance individual, social, and global transformation.

    Some of these Psychic Schools and Spiritual Colleges offer distance learning as well as on campus studies. Those listed have been recommended to me in one way or another over time.

    Let your psychic stories become part of our psychic abilities paranormal research project here . . .

  6. Our team is pretty well set for investigators.  We don't require that anyone is "special" in any way, but both myself and my cofounder are "sensitive," meaning we can hear, see & feel the ghosts when they're around.  But it isn't a requirement.  Our only requirement is that you attend our monthly meetings on a regular basis, and definitely attend the pre-investigation meeting.  

    As for evidence?  We have EVP's, use a gauss meter for emf readings that show spikes when there is a presence, take videos & photos.  There are some who will say that orbs in a photo aren't true evidence, but they ARE cool.  We have photos with strange vortexes, mists, etc.  We consider these as evidence.

    If you're truly interested, do a websearch for groups in your area and contact them.  Good luck!

  7. I have a team, but we are being very very picky about who we let in.  Not that we're looking for "special" people.  Quite the opposite.  Its just that half our team has left either because they didn't have the time,  just flaked on us, or were expecting something else.

    Paranormal investigation is fascinating, but its not what you expect.  Its not like on TV where the cleaver form of writing or even editing in the "reality" stuff makes every case seem interesting.

    Fact is nine times out of ten, nothing is going to happen or if it does, you're not going to get it recorded.  Its a sad truth to it.  Its some what discouraging, yeah, but that tiny chance of actually getting something is what I push for.  

    I don't know, maybe some people are more lucky then I've been.  But I'm going to keep trying.  And you should to in your search for a team. If you want to investigate bad enough, I'm telling you, the Internet is your friend.  Just be cautious when dealing with strangers.  I suggest hitting up

    That's where I met most of my team members.  Its a safer environment where you can set up a meeting in a public place, or join one.  Again, be careful.  Trust me, there are a lot of crazies out there, not just attracted to the paranormal field, just in general.
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