
Lucid dreaming??please help

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most of the time, when i have a nightmare, i my nightmare. its kinda weird. ill give u an example. when i was younger, i used to be afraid of this clown stuffed doll i had. so in the dream. i was being chased by it in my old basement (i was 6) so then the doll got lost i think and then i thought to myself in my sleep 'wait, this can't happen, this is a dream!okay, that means i can wake up!awesome!!!okay let me try' so i blink once in my dream and nothing happens so then i try to open my eyes one more time and i do, and then i wake up. i think that's called lucid dreaming but I'm not sure. i kinda think its cool can i have some more info about it and/or ur reaction to this thing.







  1. yeah thats what it is but y don't you have some fun and since you know that you are dreaming try to fly? or will the beast away?? or battle it? I mean since we are really basically indestructible in our dreams y not have some fun?? you have already learned one of your lucid dream powers and i think everyone has the same powers. If you ever want to wake up again just close your eyes real tight and then just open them up again. if you have any more questions about lucid dreaming then just email them to me. glad to help!!!

  2. I have done this also, check out this site, hope it's helpful.

  3. Usually a dream reflects on next day activity only.

    It's nice to remember a dream..since you were 6 :)

    That activity was already burned next day..Nothing left for you after... Only memories :)

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