
Luck has nothing to do with succes?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think about this?




  1. Luck has everything to do with success.  Looks are a big part of it if you are a woman.  If two women do the same amount of work and both work just as hard, the better looking one will move up the ladder.  In some offices the best looking woman  doesn't have to work as hard as the others.  And with guys, well same scenario, two guys can work equally as hard and only one is successful, (don't know why).  Yeah it's called luck.

  2. some people succeed with a bit of luck in it..

  3. i think that is true. success comes from hard work and determination.

  4. I think luck isn't everything, hard work and dedication will eventually pay off. But some people are fortunate enough to have luck on there side. When it comes to getting jobs for instance... I have to do it the hard way and go out their searching for a new job, putting in applications everywhere, going to Temp agencies. My friend on the other hand knows a million people through her giant family and has always been offered a good job by just knowing the right people and being lucky.

  5. Success if a formula, u need luck, hard work, consistency and a good attitude!

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