
Luggae Tag?

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I have a bus full of Middle and High schoolers leaving to go to the other side of the country this July. We want to make group luggage tags. is there any cheap way to make luggage tags?:- i.e. Business cards?




  1. I would get some thick cardboard ( like index cards). Punch a whole in one end and use a thick rubber band to attach it to their suitcase.

    Print Name/Address/Phone and use waterproof marker

  2. I have dealt with students from another country travel through America. Their coordinator  from the school they were traveling with had them purchase  the  a duffel bag with the school's monogram, mascot, etc. on it.   You could also purchase luggages tags with the school's monogram on it. USE a water proof/ permanent  maker to fill out the names on the luggage tags.  You could also have one of the girls  make  pom- pom like luggage markers with the schools colors  so you will know that they are all in your group.

    Have a great trip!

  3. I would have thought the sort of name badges that come complete with a way of securing them would be best ... the ones I've used you can insert a card or something inside ... something like

    however any sort of tag could easily get pulled off the luggage ... I've seen groups of schoolchildren on trips who all have matching backpacks (day backpacks) in a bright colour ... means it's difficult to lose the backpack and also identifies the member of the group ... obviously this is more expensive but it you contacted a supplier maybe you could get a batch that wouldn't work out per student as much as you'd normally pay in the shop
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