
Luke 10:29-37 what is the parable about ?

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what is the piont explain




  1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Edit - Was that "stone" from you CHRISTIAN?

  2. It is our responsibility to help others who are in need - friends, family, and strangers alike.  As the other poster wisely pointed out, the Samaritan was the least likely to assist this man.  The priest would have obviously been the 'mostly likely' to assist, but he passed right by him.  The Samaritan not only saw someone in need and helped him, but made sure that he continued to be cared for until he was healed.

  3. It is a moral lesson....... show mercy to your fellow man.

    It's the famous story of "The Good Samaritan."

  4. Think outside the box-look at v;27.Christ is illustrating that folks should love their neighbours as they love their own selves. The Jews and the Samaritans were opposed on religious grounds, the "Certain man" in the parable came from Jerusalem,therefore he was a Jew,yet the Samaritan helped him thereby "Loving his neighbour".

  5. Good Samaritean

    The point is that we should love and help those in need no matter who they are. Put other's needs before ours

  6. the point is that  when we see someone in trouble, if we are able to help , we should help them .

  7. It's more than just a moral story telling you to help other people.  You have to look at the historical aspect.  The Samaritan (a person from Samaria) went above and beyond the call of duty.  Jews and Samaritans were enemies during this time.  Jesus was not just saying to do good acts with people we like and know, we are to treat strangers and even enemies with respect and kindness.  The priest and the Levite were supposedly friends and allies, but the person who stopped to help was a sworn enemy.

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