
Lump in stomach.? please helpp!

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Hi, I have recently noticed that when I lay down, if I press my hand against the lower part of my stomach, there is some kind of lump that moves to the upper part of my stomach. When I inhale, it goes back to its original position, unless i keep pressing, then it stays higher. I feel this lump most nights, but not all, and I also feel an odd pulse- like a heartbeat- in my stomach, but I don't think it is located on the lump and I don't think the pulse moves, but the pulse is visible. I don't feel either the lump or the pulse when I sit or stand and they are not visible then. What can these two things be? Please help!




  1. Go to doctors!!!! Please!!!

  2. My guess would be that you have a hernia I would go to the dr and have him check it out...A hernia is when some of your intestant pokes threw your abdominal wall..I have a small one by my belly botton ( which is the weakest part of your abdominal wall).If it is bad enough surgical intervention is required...Good luck and go to the Dr's!

  3. Might be a hernia, might be nothing.  

  4. the best advice at that can give you is to go get an ultrasound test. ultrasound is not for pregnant person only. it can give you an image of internal body. after getting the result, bring it to a doctor for analysis.  

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