
Lump in the left armpit

by  |  earlier

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i have lump is left armpit... i saw it abt 10-15 days back , was small n little painful on touching ... now its longer but not painful at all....

im 24 yr old male...

no other symptoms asociated with it..

im getting worried wat it can b of???




  1. swollen Lymph Node you should go to the doctor because you have a infection

  2. My uncle just went through the same thing, it turned out to be Cancer! Go check it out ASAP! Good Luck

  3. i would go to the doctors as soon as possible.

  4. you are asking this on yahoo because you are nervous and want to find any reason not to see a doc

    but if there is a fuking lump in your armpit then you obviously need a doc!

  5. Such questions you should ask your Dr:not at this forum.

    We cannot diagnose what is wrong,only your Dr can:go see him/her


  6. It's an infected lymph gland. Go and see the doc and get some antibiotics  

  7. one of your lymphnodes are swollen you can tough it out and wait for it to go away or you can go to the doctor. its no big deal don't worry.

  8. Lol Armpit cancer? Nice one. It may just be something that has developed maybe a parasite (And a big one) or maybe a form of cancer? Just doctor it!

  9. armpit cancer (armpitites)very bad

  10. ih

  11. armpitites? LMAO

  12. Cancer i believe, get it checked out

    also, there is other possibilities. just make sure you see a doctor.

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