
Lump on Cat's Chin? ?

by Guest44944  |  earlier

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My kitty cat, 3 year old male, has a strange lump under his chin. It is soft to the touch, appeared about a week ago or less, and does not appear to be painful to him. He bitched a lot earlier this week, but we couldn't figure out what his issue was. Then I felt the lump. I also noticed it had no hair on it. It doesn't appear that he scratched it (the hair) off, as there is no scratchie marks on it. Its not scabby or anything. He has been eating fine, but not as active (that i have noticed, but im not always home.) There is no puss coming from it, and no noticeable redness.

YES i plan on taking him to the vet, i just wanted to get some ideas on what to expect. Morrissey is my baby, and I am a little scared! Need to be a little prepared.

thank you!




  1. I have a black cat and she got a black lump on her face.  It looked kind of like a black boil but it kept getting larger.  I took her to the vet and they biopsied it and drained it.  The biopsy came back fine but it filled with the liquid again.  We finally had it surgically removed.  I thought it might burst.

  2. your vet might recommend that it be surgically removed and biopsy-ed

  3. Oh, it could be LOTS of things.  First of all, good job getting an appointment at the vet.  That's your number 1 priority!

    The "acne" that the other poster mentioned is a possibility, but there would be many small bumps on the chin.  Cats get this quite a bit, and it's usually from a skin reaction to their food/water dishes, (have you changed to a new kind lately?) and can also be caused by bacteria left over from food (which happens more when they eat wet food).

    Where is it at on the chin?  If it's along the outside of the mouth (near the gum/teeth line) it's possible that it's a tooth abscess.  This happens fairly often, and it often presents as just a lump of the face.  The lump is caused by an infection under the gum line so it's hard for you to see.  A lot of times people have NO idea that it's from the mouth because the only symptom is the bump on the outside.  Animals are very stoic; they do not represent that they are feeling paid the same way humans do, obviously, and they have a huge pain tolerance.  But again, without seeing this there is no way to tell!  A trip to the vet is your best bet, and good luck.  Hopefully it's something simple and easy to fix!  :)

  4. Cats get acne, could be that, it's usually near the point of the chin, and might be very painful indeed if you pressed hard but don't do that. It can produce a large-ish lump if there's infection. Sometimes these will burst on their own but sometimes not. Let's hope it's that, it's not serious and can be improved with regular cleaning which the cat often learns to enjoy. Depending on the colour of the cat you might not see any redness. Doesn't usually bother them that I've noticed, except they might scratch it a little. Great name for your cat, by the way.

  5. I read in Cat Fancy magazine that cats can get feline acne.

    One cause can be plastic food and water bowls..

    I hope your cat is okay :)
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