My kitty cat, 3 year old male, has a strange lump under his chin. It is soft to the touch, appeared about a week ago or less, and does not appear to be painful to him. He bitched a lot earlier this week, but we couldn't figure out what his issue was. Then I felt the lump. I also noticed it had no hair on it. It doesn't appear that he scratched it (the hair) off, as there is no scratchie marks on it. Its not scabby or anything. He has been eating fine, but not as active (that i have noticed, but im not always home.) There is no puss coming from it, and no noticeable redness.
YES i plan on taking him to the vet, i just wanted to get some ideas on what to expect. Morrissey is my baby, and I am a little scared! Need to be a little prepared.
thank you!