
Lump on cannon bone (pics)?

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My 16 month old Paint Ace has had a hard boney lump on him right hind cannon bone. It has been there for the past 6 months or so. He acts like it doesn't hurt him, i can press on it and it does not bother him. I'm just worried it's a symptom of OCD or DOD. Could it be that? What could it be?




  1. That looks like a bucked shin. All tho rare on the hind legs they can occur. It is caused by to much stress to the superficail tendons that run down the front of the leg. It is not very common because it means the horse has to be over worked quite a bit and that his legs have to be under stress for some time.

    It is not a bowed tendon because a bowed tendon would be on the back of the leg brcause that is a sprain to the exstensor tendons which are on the back of the leg.

    And it is not a splint because that is on the splint bone which is on the inside of the leg.

    So have you started lunging him in the past 6 months or anything that would cause extra strain to his legs.

    Since he is still growing it wouldn't take much to put to much strain on his legs.

    Would i worry about it?

    No, but when your vet comes out to check the other horses or whatever have him take a look at it and see what he thinks.

    Hope that helps

  2. Looks like it took a knock and the bone, or the skin which covers the bone, got bruised/damaged and the result was a hard swelling. It's purely cosmetic and should not cause your horse any problem.  

  3. looks like a healed splint

  4. um

  5. go to a vet, not Y!A.  

  6. It looks like a bucked shin.  Microscopic bone fractures occur with inflammation of the periosteum (periostitis) on the bone surface.  It's had 6 months of healing, so it isn't surprising there is no pain.  it indicates that it was overstressed at one point, but is probably not a major issue now, although you should get the vet's opinion.

  7. well if it doesn't seem 2 hurt him i wouldn't stress about it i say just call the vet within the next week , but don't stress to much just get a professionals advice

  8. could just be the way the bone is shaped on him. if you are really concerned about it have the vet come out and do an x-ray of it. if it's not bothering him then i wouldn't worry too much, just keep a close eye on it.

  9. this is tough ncer or something i really dont know i guess it could be cancer or something

  10. it is definitely a bucked shin but seek the advice of your veterinarian

  11. If you're worried about it i'd get a vet's opinion...

    but it looks like scar tissue to me...

    i have a mare that has trailer issues and hurt her cannon bone one day about a year ago. She has a lump just like the one on your doesn't hurt her , its just not very first i put absorbine gel on it every other day and it helped some...BUT i'm about to try something i was told will help alot! Dynamite Wound Balm...a friend had yet again the same problem and after applying it over the hair for a couple weeks her gelding's leg look almost as good as new!

    Good Luck!

  12. splints will typically be hard bony smallish lumps on the inside of the cannon bone.  this actually appears similar to a bucked shin or some scar tissue, but you cant deny the possibility of a weird splint.  if it shifts when you move it its probably scar tissue, if it stays solid its probably either bucked shin or a splint, either is possible with a youngster... bucked shin will typically happen if horse is working, running a lot, while splint could happen for those reasons or it horse hits himself...

    as far as OCD's you typically see this as swelling in/around the joint areas itself, and the swelling will generally be larger and hot and the horse lame/uncomfortable....

  13. Bowed tendon.

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