
Lump on my right breast?? Help???!?

by  |  earlier

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On my right breast on the right side of it, almost under my arm pit, there is a lump, kind of like a small disk. Is this bad? I am 14 and just developing, so is this natural? Do I have cancer or something?





  1. You need to let your mom know, could just be part of you growing. Do you drink alot of soda? I had some lumps, they ended up being caffine deposits. But Talk to your mom she will get you to the doc to be sure. GL

  2. Hi!

    I would go check it out.  I could be just a random clump of something or something more serious like Breast cancer. Better safe than sorry!

    Hope I helped!

  3. Your b*****s may get lumpy a few days before your period is due.  It's hard to tell you what's normal because it's different for everyone, mostly what you're supposed to watch out for is a change in your b*****s, but when you're growing that doesn't really work.

    You should ask your mom about it.  She'll be able to check it out and see if she thinks you need the doctor.  Don't be shy asking your mom...remember she changed your diapers and gave you baths when you were a baby, so she's seen it all before.

  4. i dont  know i think u should get it checked out please because i dont want u to have cancer ur young

  5. its prob just like a fat cyst. i get them sometimes its not cancer no 14 year old gets cancer, its VERY rare. i have had the fat cyst and it hurts but it was nothing it went away after about a week or 2. its nothing to worry about.

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