
Lump sum settlements and child support?

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I've seen those ads on tv about selling your structure settlements for a lump sum - I'm wondering if there is anything similar for child support arrears.

My ex owes 11K in arrears (the non public assistance kind). He doesn't have any new child support obligation because he signed his rights away a year ago. He pretty much never made a payment and then went to prison on drug charges. Since he was released from prison I have received about $80 a month from his paycheck. I'm sure he is only keeping his job and making payments because he is on parole. The state has never been great about enforcing the child support.

I'd love to just settle for even a chunk of the money at once. I have a lot of old debt I accrued taking care of my son with out any financial support that I'd love to pay off.

Do any companies buy child support arrears like they do settlements? or anything like that?

Thank You




  1. There is a place, you'll have to search the internet, I can't remember what it is.  They have seized people's property, boats, cars etc.  They DO take a healthy chunk themselves though.

  2. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and avoid bankruptcy.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

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