
Lump under my eye...?

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First of all, I have had a knot on the back of my neck since April, I have been given antibiotics and the size reduces. But, it is still htere. I am not sure if it can be related to the lump under my eyelid. About two weeks a go, a lump came up under my eye. About a week later it got bigger. I can move my eyelid and it doesn't move. So, I believe it may actually be on my eye. It is in the center of my eye right above my pupil. I have an appointment with my eye doctor in 1.5 weeks. I am only 19 and I have great vision... no contacts or glasses. I am just worried. What could it be?




  1. You are describing a chalazion. A chalazion starts out as an infection of a meibomian gland(oil gland) in the lid. If no treatment is begun early on, the infection is controlled by your body's own immune system and after ending the infection (that's why the bump isn't sore now because it's no longer infected) the body will lay down granular tissue (that's the bump). Once the bump has become hard and non painful you can either have it surgically removed or have it injected. If it is not dealt with within 3-4 months (give or take) it becomes more difficult to remove it. Hope this helped.

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