
Lump under nipple and armpit?

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I have a really sore lump under my right nipple.Im really nervous because I also get these lumps under my armpit and I have one their now along with one under my right nipple..Should I be 17 by the way.




  1. You probably have some type of infection.

  2. These are glands/lymph nodes and should be checked by your doctor. They are often sign of infection.

  3. Tell your Dad you need to go see a Doctor about some lumps you have.

    It's wise not to wait.

  4. I would definitly have it checked out. You never know if it something serious. It could be just swollen glands, but why take the chance, Go to the doctor as soon as you can. Better Safe than Sorry.  

  5. "Lumps" in various places often mean absolutely nothing.  Even ones that hurt temporarily are often not dangerous.  The problem is that you are worried (been there, done that) and your worry should be addressed.  If you have never had a doctor look at the lumps, you should arrange for it.  One of two things will happen.  Either he/she will tell you that there is nothing to worry about and you should relax, or, (and this is really a very outside chance) you will need to have something treated.  But at least you will know for sure, and early treatment of most serious problems makes them less serious and increases the likelihood of their being cured.

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