
Lumps under the skin on a ferrets neck?

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my girlfriend was bathing our ferret & felt some large lumps under the skin around the neck area. what could this be? she was loosing hair in the tail area & we started giving her vitamin suplaments & she has gotten fatter. now this. any help will be greatly appreciated.




  1. maybe the farret got in a fight? and it would not be a tumor becaues it had a lot og bumps sooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tumer

  2. Optimistic answer:

    If your little carpet shark is a little old, it could be a fatty tumor. It would be benign and wouldn't cause any problems or discomfort. It might also be a burr, abscess, bug bite, scab, tick or matted fur, so make sure it's actually under the skin and not on top.

    There are lots of harmless things it could be. :)

    Pessimistic answer:

    Ferts are as prone to cancer as they are prone to chewing your rubber things. A trip to the vet may be in order. :(

  3. Take her to the vet!  It could be cancerous, it could be a fatty tumor, or it could be ticks, maybe...

    I strongly encourage you to take her to the vet though.

  4. I would take the ferret to a vet that specializes in exotic animals.  I had a ferret that had to be put to sleep because she had cancerous tumors in her neck.  I know, it's sad...but take her to a vet asap incase she's suffering.

  5. The above answerer has some good information.  Lymphoma is a common cancer in ferrets and this would be the worst case scenario.  Either way, its obvious that lumps on your pets neck is not normal.  A trip to the vet is the best bet.

  6. it might just be swollen lymph glands! but get the ferret checked out just in case!

  7. A lymph node its probably swollen.

  8. It's definitely time to visit a vet.

    2 of the lymph nodes are located on the sides of the neck, though one can't say for sure that is what you are feeling it is likely and could be confirmed by a ferret knowledgeable vet.

    Lymph nodes can swell for a variety of reasons and it could be a very treatable infection to something very serious like a lymphoma.

    As far as the losing fur, if it was on the tail only it's possible it is 'rat tail' in which excess oil has blocked the pores, however if it is in the tail area as in the base of the tail/body then you are likely dealing with adrenal disease. Adrenal disease can also cause muscle wasting so providing a high calorie supplement will put on fat but does not actually help with the underlying illness which will continue to progress. Adrenal disease is very common in North America, an estimated 80% of ferrets will become ill with adrenal disease over the course of their lifetime. Again checking with your vet is the best option and a good ferret vet will usually recognize the symptoms of adrenal disease without expensive testing. If your vet is unsure of a diagnosis then tests may be necessary before starting treatment.

    It's possible that you have two different illnesses here as adrenal disease is often a 'gateway' disease allowing other illnesses to set in or it's possible the two are connected.

    Good luck at the vet, I hope your little one is feeling better soon!

  9. I've heard that ferrets are prone to getting tumors, I would get her checked by a vet as soon as possible.

  10. tumor

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