
Lunch friends????help!?

by  |  earlier

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so last year i ate lunch w/ a group of about 6 girls. Then four of them decided to start and do things without me and my bestfriend. So now i eat lunch with just my best friend. Is this wierd? I have friends but none close enough to eat lunch with. How do i eat lunch with them?




  1. im sure there other people in the school make new friends

  2. Its not weird,

    Just be social with other groups,

    it'll be fun, you'll have more friends

    and options of where to sit at lunch,

    just remember to be confident- the key to meeting new people!

    Hope it goes well :)

  3. it's best 2 eat alone then w/ bad company. just take what hand life dealt u, & learn 2 appreici8 what U DO have. u still have yer 1 friend, so N-joy that.

    Best Wishes!!!

  4. like ask them if wanna lunch together?

  5. The same thing happened to me.  I just got used to eating with only my bff.  I wouldn't worry about it, there are worse things in life (and especially in high school).  

  6. take ur best friend and go talk to the group u wanna have lunch with a lil before lunch and then when its time for lunch just say, im starving wanna join us for lunch?

    and if u're at school then just talk abt random stuff then say we should have lunch together sometimes and if they agreed then just wait till u see them in the cafeteria and then invite them to sit with u and if they liked ur company they'll ask u themselves next time =)

    its really not a big deal =)

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