
Lust or Love? Do you get them confused or do you know?

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Love comes when you're sick or dying

or have some incurable disease.

Love comes when you need a friend

and your whole world is turned inside out.

You'll know love because it's not hanging

around only to feed your lust.

Lust runs out the door at the first sign of trouble.

Love will be by your side holding you until you die.




  1. Very true.. you will know the difference between true love in times of trouble. if the other person stays by your side.. then it's real love.. if that person leaves at the smallest sign of a cloud on the relationship sky then it's not genuine love.. Love is a gift that comes from the heart.. love means respect for one another and honesy and trust...  and caring..  lust is just the physical attraction.. it's very easy to distinguish those two.. if it's just someone's looks that attract a person.. that's not enough for love..  Physical attraction is one part of love but if that is all then the relationship lacks it's main foundation.. and without having that and a strong friendship with the other person.. you know it's lust and not love.. xx So I may get confused about a lot of things but I am sure I know the difference between these 2... x*x

  2. Nice start, maybe more of a balance between what love is and what lust is. Right now lust just runs out the door (or maybe that's all you need to say about it).

    They're both powerful emotions and I don't know if one is really more of a good thing than the other one. You can love to write but you have to lust to be a writer. You can lust for somebody but if they don't lust for you back your heart want break. I love steak, but it's my lust to satisfy my hunger that keeps me eating. I hope I'm making some kind of point (I'm not sure where I'm going with this myself).

  3. How beautifully said was that!!  So true Brandy, what a wise girl you are!  Well written poem you have there!! Cheers!!

  4. Well put.I think U still have a lot to say. I mean U haven't spelled out all Ur feelings. I may add, if U will, in Love we find Lust, even when the beloved is torturing us. In lust we may not find love, for lust may be offered by a stranger.

  5. This has much in meaning running through the lines.  My compliments.  You could tighten this up more (excess words) to make it shine more.  Well done.

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