
Lying about previous job experiences?

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I had a job at a a local clothing store for about 4 months, and I could not stand my manager so I quit last week. One day I just flipped and told my boss I was quitting. I left early that day and never came back. I didn't leave my 2 week notice. I have an interview at another clothing store tonight. I put on my application that I have never had a job before [that was my first job]. Is there any way they could find out that I did and I quit? I don't want it to effect their opinion on me.




  1. Well, there's always the chance that since both are clothing businesses that they could have spoken to each other...slim, but you never know. I would think that the 4 months of experience is more valuable than walking without notice. You don't have to tell them any of the negative stuff...just that it didn't work out and you decided to pursue other opportunities; and if they ask if they can call the store for a reference, say no.

  2. You are not obligated to state all of the jobs you had, don't worry! Just say its your first job! If for some crazy reason they can just say that you werent there long enough to count it as experience! But seriously, it won't happen...don't worry!

    Good luck!

  3. Employers are limited by law as to what they can ask or answer. However if it is a small employer might be exempt. It might be better to tell the truth and explain the situation or tell them you are still working for them. In life there will be many more bosses like that one and you can't always quit.

  4. You have better chances getting the new job doing it just they way you did. If you had informed them of your previous job, all the bad could come to light. Saying you have 4 months of experience, in this case, is NOT better than nothing,  

  5. Yes.

    A lot of companies now run a background check on anyone to whom they are considering offering a position.  Those background checks can and occasionally do include a review of a person's employment history (which is tracked by social security number; no way to hide that).

    If you omit your last job, and this clothing store runs a check and sees that you did have a job, it'll look suspicious and they will probably call your previous manager to find out what happened.

    I would advise putting your 4 months of experience on your resume.  You do not have to mention that you didn't give your two weeks' notice.  Just explain calmly, professionally, and rationally why you quit (ie, you didn't like the environment, the management was hypocritical, etc).

    Good luck!

  6. the lesson here is that you make sure you leave any job on good terms, even if you are frustrated. Its better for you in the long run as your ex-managers may become good references.

    I would leave it out of the resume. Its not considered lying. You are supposed to select things that will improve your chances. However, if you are asked in the interview if this is going to be your first job, you shouldn't lie.

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