
Lying on your back to sleep??I'm 7 months?

by Guest67019  |  earlier

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ok everytime i go to the doctor there is atleast 1 thing i forget to ask him...but I'm just wondering is there anyone else with the big bellies uncomfortable with sleeping on your back???i know its normal and everything but do you still try to like putting pillows underneath you to position you???i know i have b/c sleeping on my side is just annoying to me..i know they say sleeping on your back isn't all that great b/c your heart is getting a a limited amount of blood flow and so is the baby...sooo I'm wondering if the ones that still sleep on their back comfortably how do you do it???




  1. You should not sleep on your back this far along. The baby will lay against the main blood vessel leading to the placenta and will cut off it's oxygen supply. It is best to lay on your left side. They sell a maternity pillow that you can wrap around your body that will help with comfort.  

  2. You cannot sleep on your back when you're this far along. The baby could push on your lungs and cut off oxygen to you and the baby. It's best to sleep on the left side. If you sleep on your right side the baby could push onto your liver and then you cannot process the toxins out of your blood as well etc.  

  3. If I sleep on my back I have to go to the couch and do it.  I sit up half way and lean toward the back of the couch.  It is very comfortable.  But if I am in my bed I still try and sleep on my stomach!! lol...

  4. When I end up on my back i usually am laying on top of a pillow so that it contours to my back better than the mattress (esp. my lower back). Like you said I know I'm no supposed to, but it's the most comfortable for me.

    I actually asked my doctor about it and he said that it's not going to hurt you or the baby to sleep on your back. If there gets to be too much pressure on the vena cava (the vein that they worry about) your body will wake you up before any damage is done. Your body is made to take care of itself.

    Don't let anyone on here scare you into sleepless nights because of this silly issue. You won't get any sleep once the baby's here so try and get as much now as possible. Good Luck and Congrats!!

  5. there isnt really a way to be comfy when sleeping this late on in pregnancy.. you could try loads of pillows and try sleeping propped up in a half seated position and half laid down if you get me....

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