
Lyme Disease, Ringworm or something else?

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Ok, today I was doing a little gardening, trying to clear out some weeds when I noticed a red patch on my lower bicep, about an inch away from the crook of my arm. It itched a bit and I assumed it was a bug bite because it appeared to have a little bite mark in the center. It definitely appeared today because it wasn't on my arm when I took a shower yesterday. Let me tell you a little bit about it, then I'll ask my question:

*I first noticed it when I went to wipe my forehead and I brushed some dirt from my gloves against my arm. It immediately started itching... now whether it was there beforehand, I don't know.

*It's an ovoid/round shape, about 1/4" in diameter

*There is a red ring around the outside with the center portion a pale white, almost skin color. Towards the edge there are two very small dark dots, almost like you would assume a bug bite would look like

*It's not really itchy

*Over the past three days I've had recurrent headaches, chills and a stiff neck. I figured it was the weather and that I was sleeping poorly.

*It does not glow green in a black light

So, at first I thought it was classic ringworm -- red, raised, circular... but it's not itchy, nor is it scaly... It's not in the usual place you get ringworm, but I assumed it was because we've had 15 inches of rain dumped on us by TS Fay and my garden is under about an inch of water.

Then I wondered if it wasn't something like poison oak or sumac.

Then I was looking around at things online and I saw a few pictures of the Lyme disease rash and the early stages look fairly similar to ringworm. I don't remember being bitten and you'd think I'd have noticed a small tick clinging to my arm. I live in a rural area of Central Florida and we do have deer that frequent our yard. It really could be any one of a number of things -- ringworm because of the dampness of the soil, Lyme disease because of the extra symptoms I've had lately...

What do you think it is? Please only answer this if you are serious. I'm going to the doctor on Monday, but I'd still like to know whether I should be worried or not.



PS: Here's a picture link (it's on my blog):





  1. Not all Lyme rashes look like the prototypical bull's-eye. Also, Lyme isn't the only rash-causing condition you can get from a tick bite. I'm most concerned about those "extra symptoms" you alluded to.

    I recommend you read up on Lyme disease symptoms, so you'll have more perspective before your talk with the doctor.

    Good sources of info about Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases:

  2. I think it looks like some type of bite, spider maybe. My aunt had a spider bite on her leg a couple weeks ago and it looked really similar. I'm not familiar with lyme disease, so not sure. I don't think it is ringworm. Hopefully it is nothing serious. If you get feeling too bad or it looks infected, you may not want to wait until Monday. But if it stays the same or even starts looking better, I would still have it looked at Monday.

  3.   I looked at your picture-  It does not look like lymes to me.  The lymes has a classic bull's eye appearance.  It will have a red circle with a red center.   It looks like you were bitten by a different type of insect or spider.   It appears that your injury may be getting some tissue damage.   Keep an eye on it as sometimes these bites can become a cellulitis or an abcess.   If you are experiencing increased swelling and redness,  you definitely need some antibiotic therapy. I hope this helps

  4. Looks like ring worm. Put an antifungal on it, like athletes foot cream or spray.  I hady Lyme disease and the "bulls eye", was very red and BIG. and I didn't know I had it, my husband saw it, and you would remember the tick, the usually have to be attached for a little while to give you a tickborne illness. I didn't know how long mine was there, it was in a weird place on my back, I found it a day after we were out in the woods, and the rash appeared a week after the tick was found!

    Soooo, your DR will be able to tell, but try the cream. Might help.

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