
Lyrics for the song "Widowmaker" by Jimmy Martin?

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Lyrics for the song "Widowmaker" by Jimmy Martin?




  1. Widow maker widow maker were the words so bright and big

    painted across the bumper of a shiny rig

    billy Mack Kissed wanda ann then climbed into his rig.

    said hed be back a tuesday night so plan on something big

    That big red diesel roared to life and bill was LA bound

    the wheels were humming wanda ann as he rolled out of town

    2000 rpm's were showing on the tach

    but noone knew this was the last long ride for billy mack

    Widow maker, widowmaker only bill could understand

    was going to make a widow out of pretty wanda ann

    just a few more miles and bill was on that mountain range

    where dead ahead a pick up full of kids blocked both the lanes

    bill hit the air and then he felt his trailer slide and sway

    and the pickup driver made no move to help him clear the way

    he just had time to think of wanda as he fought the wheel

    then billy mack was buried under 20 tons of steel

    1 life for 10 has always been a desil drivers code

    thats why billy swung that widow maker off the road

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