
Lyrics of the song"i always knew" performed by Jem?

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Lyrics of the song"i always knew" performed by Jem?




  1. I've been looking for the lyrics ever since the end of 90210 on Monday when I heard the song. But of course, no lyrics are listed online since the album hasn't dropped yet. I searched on YouTube for a while just to see if someone had posted the clip from 90210 or even if there was a Jem fan video that included the song. Nothing was posted.. Until today. The lyrics aren't attached to it, but you can hear most of them clearly in the song.

  2. i can find all of her other song's lyrics except for i always knew! maybe no one wrote them on the internet yet...

  3. If any of you want the song or any of the songs off her new cd I have it all downloaded and can send it to you

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