
M or J-14 Magazine??

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Ok I finally want a magazine subscription and narrowed it down to these 2!! Can u tell me which 1 u like better?? Also which has more in it (pages, posters(m probably), games etc.)?? Thnkx




  1. both are equally good but if asked i like J-14 its really cool! its got quizzes,celeb gossip!and if you like J-14 AND M THEN YOU WILL SURELY LIKE  popstar! and tiger beat they are really cool!

  2. okay so you brobably didn't pick popstar becuase you have to pay with a credit card and you didn't pick bop,teen6eet and teiger beat bsecuase their sister mags and they don't get subscriptions. you d said you wanted quizezz so i would say quizfest but you want m or j-14. so m is a sister to twist so you would have to chosse if you want m or twist, and j-14  has a brother obsessed teen so you would have to choose soy i would say j-14 it's more pro and well obsessed teen it's just for obsessed teens and m is just unorganized and well twist just gets you tiered with the same colems.J-14 is my chose,good luck.

    hey so you like magazine check this question out.;...

  3. definitely j-14 its awsome

  4. m is better cuz its got quizzes games and more fun stuff to read its got it all so yea m is definetly betta

  5. i would say m just because i have read J-14 too much. M also has alot of quizzes.

  6. I personally prefer J-14, as it has more quality, the posters are great, just A4, but I like them as the paper they are printed on are thick and glossy. Also in J-14 the articles are interesting to read and I find them much more reliable, compared to M. I like M and buy it occasionally, for the great big posters, and loads of small ones in between, but the posters in M usually have bad backgrounds. Also M had loadsa quizzes. In all, I think they are both good magazines, it just depends what you prefer. My choice is def J-14!!!

    Happy READING :D
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