
M scared about the ecg?

by Guest61314  |  earlier

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I went to the doctors today just to get a repeat prescription of carbimazole. He took my pulse and said id have to go for an ecg and echocardiograph at the hospital. I should have asked him questions but i didnt. He gave me a card and told me to go today. I know I should have but situations like this make me extremely anxious so i didnt go. I will go tomorrow but i just wanted to know what will happen, what are they for ?will there be any needles? will i have to take my top off? Im sorry if this question seems stupid but i'll have to go on my own and im a bit scared,




  1. I go for these tests once a year (sometimes twice a year if the heart isn't doing that great). An ecg is a piece of cake. the worst part is peeling off the pads and they hurt less than band aids. For an ecg you most likely will be asked to take your shirt off, though most places cover your b*****s with either a small towel, let you leave a bra on or both.    As for the echo-cardiogram. I hate them. They're really not that bad, but people who say they don't hurt are w.r.o.n.g. It is not anything like having an ultrasound on your stomach to see a baby. There is a lot more pressure and smaller sticks involved because of the layers of muscle, fat and bones between your heart and your skin...  You will be asked to take your shirt off, they may give you a hospital gown but they ask you to put it with the opening to the front and they open it righ up anyways, so it's kind of pointless.  You will be asked to lay on your back and both sides (in whatever order they choose) and will most likely ask you to flip between positions every now and then so they can get a better picture. put your arm above your head, tip your chin up blah blah blah. it's can be kind of awkward, but remember that these technicians do these tests all day every day so it's routine for them.  Because you're heart is rather thick itself, then there's layers of muscle and bones between the top layer of skin and your heart these technicians will press pretty hard with a stick that has a pretty small end. Sometimes it seems like they're trying to shove it right through your chest. Just tell them you can't take the pressure if they're pressing too hard and if they apologize and continue like you didn't say anything (a common response in my experience) be a little more firm but still polite, and they'll let off a bit. Before you go in the your echo-cardiogram tell the tech that it's your first time and you're anxious about it and they'll be way too nice. and treat yourself afterwards to something. Don't let it ruin  your day!

  2. Not to worry- this has got to be the most fantastic of all heart tests. Using a gell and a small wand they can roll over the skin lightly over your heart and you will be able to see your actual heart beating and oving. Doesnt hurt  and cant hurt, just gel is a bit cold, thats all. Just relax, and yes you will have tot ake your top off but you sill cover the majority of you with a sheet. Hang in there and enjoy the sights and sounds of your own heart beating!

  3. Yeah, some hospital make you change to the hospital gown, then they

    use a machine, with about 6 pads about that stick to your heart (chest) where the veins are running. The machine takes about 2 minutes and is done, the machine print out the result.

    Echo cardiograph , they let you lie down and relax, then they put some gel and use a device to move around your heart area and you can see the ultra sound pictures in the TV screen, it takes about 20 minutes and finished with the printed report.

    None of this test will cause pain or discomfort.

  4. There is absolutely  nothing to worry about.  They stick about 5 or 6 sticky pads to different places on  your chest for a few minutes while you sit in chair, and then you are  done.  The pads peel off easier than a bandaid.  You will definitely have to at least open your shirt.

  5. all it is, is an ultrasound of the heart. Nothing bad.

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