
M25 speed cameras, are they hidden under overhead traffic signs?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend said they are hidden under these overhead signs but i thought they legally had to be yellow now and seen so surley they cant be?




  1. As part of the National Safety Camera Programme, signing, visibility and conspicuity

    rules were mandatory to enable costs to be netted off from fine income, and this has

    helped to highlight to motorists where enforcement is being undertaken and, combined

    with the communications activities undertaken as part of the programme, why

    enforcement is being undertaken. The Department’s intention is that this high-visibility

    approach should be retained.

  2. Yes they are hidden there, been caught out myself, keep you speed down and if your going through road works where its temporary 50mph, IT IS 50mph, you will get caught!!

  3. read the highway code

  4. Yes, but some have bridges between the cameras and the road markings. Bit of bad planning there I feel!

    BUT...these speed limits are there to protect you, and minimise the jams.

  5. There is NO legal requirement for speed cameras to be painted yellow.

    The overhead gantrys on the M25 have cameras on every one - it's quite pretty at dusk watching them all going off, as speeding cars go by...

  6. If you can prove they are not visible, and you are caught by one, then you can contest the penalty and you will win.  The problem is that in order to get proof, you will need to take photos, and you can't do that without stopping on the motorway.... which is an offence.

  7. If you're talking about the variable speed-limit section, they're not hidden underneath, they're on the back. You can see them if you look back.

    Also, they're not hidden inasmuch as they were well-publicised when the variable speed-limits were introduced.

    In addition (and I'm happy to be corrected on this), I think there are warning signs on the gantries.

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