
M50 speed camera?

by  |  earlier

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Can I also add, I doubt if any of the people who have answered so far have always stuck to the limit so get down off your high horses and trot back to your stable.




  1. A camera with no film will still flash. Many cameras are being converted to digital so the "no film" situation will disappear.  It would have been easier to take your foot off the gas pedal if you knew the camera was there. Don't hold your breath about "getting away  with it".

  2. It might flash if there is no film in it but I know it can take ages for a ticket to come through but dont worry about it. Ignore all the people here I know that road and everyone who knows that road knows that the limit is a joke! Everyone speeds on that road as someone said that camera and limit is there to make money. And as for children being on the road!? Whoever said that musnt even be from Ireand cause come on! The roads people should be worrying about are the small country roads that everyone  speeds on, thats dangerous!

  3. You were travelling rather fast my dear.

  4. People who speed have only one thing on their minds - how they can "get away with it". What a shameful attitude. The fine could arrive tomorrow, or it might take a year. Rest assured that the speed you were doing means you are heading for an immediate ban. Think - you could have killed someone.

    You were doing 66% OVER the speed limit, whether you're looking at miles per hour or kilometres per hour. Your figures are wrong. 100kph = 62.5mph and 60 kph = 37.5mph. The difference is more than enough to kill a child.

    A child hit at 30mph (48kph) will likely survive. A child hit at 35mph (56kph) will almost certainly die.

    I hope you get a ban. I really really do.

    You might also be interested to know that people who speed routinely, park in disabled people's spaces illegally etc, are FOUR times likely to be involved in other criminal activity. The foul nature of your additional responses suggests you might well fall into this category.

  5. no the police are just getting the ducking stool ready

  6. well my dear congratulations for doing 100 on the M50 - my hubby would be grateful to do 30kph the times that he has to endure the dreaded Red cow junction - so if you have not heard then keep stum - ignore the other answers, they probably don't know the road anyway!

    Someone probably nicked the film in Tallaght (fornia)

  7. very rare theres no film, could take up to about 3 months i think, you will get 6 points if not a ban you were stupidly over the limit, risking not just your life but others, hopefully you get a ban to teach you a lesson! the limits there for a reason!!

    2 points, where did you hear that rubbish, dont u watch the news?? NEW RULES 6 points lovey!!! and a fine!!!!


    THANK GOD your in ireland, another moran off the roads here!!!

    I like your attitude, i wonder if u have kids?? or if u did and one god forbid was killed by someone speeding, i wonder what YOUR reaction would be then.

    Do you have a brain?

    I shouldnt worry about my spelling if i was you, id concentrate more on your driving!!!!!

  8. Snettert... Don't be ridiculous...killed someone, going at 60mph on a clear empty road?? These cameras are only there to make money...the number of people caught in North Wales has gone up by 400%...yes 400 since 2005 and the road casualties have stayed around the same.

    If the speed limits were more sensible (90 on a motorway , 70 on an ordinary main road) more people would stick to the limit...this is the speed most people drive at (safely) nowadays. it won't happen...why??...they'd get less revenue from fines.

    You would probably have had a summons by now, forget it, there was probably no film in the camera...don't let it worry you.

    I've got a sensor which warns me of forthcoming cameras and laser/radar traps...get one, it really pisses people like

    'Snettert' and 'Dicky Now' off.

  9. I hope ypu don't get away with it people like you make me sick putting other peoples live at risk !.you have a nerve to post such a question.
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