
M81 and M82 Galaxy Battle?!?!?!?

by Guest61435  |  earlier

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So I've read that the M81 Galaxy and the M82 Galaxy have been locked in an ongoing battle back and fourth. I guess it's from the gravatational pull of both galaxies. The article said that in a few billion years on galaxy will engulf the other. One will remain and one will dissapear. I think that's pretty cool, does anybody agree, or just think that's really cool.




  1. Sure.  And in a few billion years, Andromeda and the Milky Way will do the same dance, ending in a single Milkdromeda galaxy.

  2. I wouldn't think of it as one "disappearing," necessarily.  Think of it as more of a merger.  All the matter in both galaxies will continue to exist, but they would do so as one larger galaxy.  

    Our own Milky Way is even "swallowing" up two smaller galaxies as we speak, the Large and Small Magellenic Clouds.  And, perhaps even the distant Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way will merge into one galaxy someday.  But don't get too excited, none of these events will happen too quickly.

    But to answer your question, yes, this is a very cool process!

  3. Well, the other won't "Disappear"... it'll be added to the mass of the other galaxy - and essentially, the two "merge" to become one, bigger galaxy.

    Our Milkyway will be 'consumed' the same way by larger Andromeda in a few billion years;  we won't be destroyed, but the mass of the new galaxy will more than double the Milkyway's when it's all said & done.

  4. Psh, it wont be the Milkdromeda galaxy. It'll be the Andromeda Way.

    Oh yeah, it's really cool.

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