
MAJOR HELP! can a 17 year old girl travel around the world alone?

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when i graduate from high school, i will still be 17 and won't turn 18 till march. howver, I really REALLY want to go backpacking around the world for at least nine months, either by myself, with my best friend or a travel buddy. i've got the money covered, now what? can i still stay at youth hostels n do stuff even though i will be 17 for the first 2 months? what about going on flights? HELP i have no idea how to start- what can i do???




  1. From my point of view you must be at least 18. Otherwise you may get in trouble in some countries...

  2. i think would be better if there's someone travelling with you,..

  3. Why don't you just wait the extra two months? You can do it, but you might need permission for cirtain things, you might not be allowed to stay in cirtain places etc.... You dont want to get stuck somewhere, unable to do anything about it because your not 18 for some reason? Not able to contact home....

    Plus I wouldent go alone at that age, you have no idea what its going to be like out there... Being in a forgen country can be quite dawnting, even with a friend let alone by yourself.... Its particualy scary being a woman, you can get yourself into some dangerous situations...

    How the h**l do you have the money to pay for that anyway? Lucky!


  4. Yes you must listen everyboby and wait until you are 18.

    In some country you will have trouble to find a place to stay and also probably to book the plane ticket.

    It's also a problem for the insurance if you are under 18.

    I know it's hard to wait but in this case i think it's a lot better to wait two month.

    Anyway have a good trip and be carefull

  5. sure you can travel but you need someone over 18 (or 21 depending where you travel) to get you into hotels otherwise you can sleep in a park =D flying will be fine your allowed to do that but i wouldnt completely rely on hostels cos they fill up pretty quik and you wont always be able to get  a bed but if you dont mind that then why not

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