
MAJOR Makeup Concerns?

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I use LOREAL Paris Bare Natural Mineral Makeup, and in the morning when I apply it it looks great, but a few hours later it's already faltering, my skin looks oily, and it looks like I didn't even apply makeup.

What should use before i put on makeup to help it stay on?

If i apply more makeup it looks cakey.

Also, I haven't tried oil absorbing pads yet, do they work?

Sorry for all the questions, im just so sick of going to school and feeling ugly.




  1. Use CLEANSER before you put any makeup on, it clears your pores of junk, and so that the foundation is just being coated ofver junk, it stays in place

  2. there actually called blotting sheets you can get them at meijer for $5 and they work great! i couldn't get through a day with out them

  3. It's always good to wash your face to remove oils that build up overnight.  Another important thing is to moisturize before you put on foundation.  It gives the make-up something to stick to like preparing a canvas.  Your face will produce more oil if you don't put it on because it's overcompensating for being dry, usually.  I've used mineral make-up and it's never worked for me so you may try a liquid foundation.  L'oreal true match works very well.

    The oil absorbing sheets work wonders.  I have very oily skin and use clean and clear oil sheets.  They don't remove make-up but they do remove the oil.

  4. I would either try a primer like Smashbox's Photo Finish or switch to a different powder. Cover Girl makes some really good pressed powders.

    I've never really found the oil absorbing pads to work too well. They always just rubbed my makeup off.....

    Don't feel ugly! I'm sure you're goregous! =)

  5. you should try oil absorbing pads they do work  

  6. Use a face primer for the entire face, and also use an eye makeup primer as well.

    I have always had the same problem.  But now I can work out in this stuff and my makeup still looks great!  =)

  7. wash ur face, then just use conceler where uneed it, then dust ur face with powder, if you have to, then a little eye makeup, and lipgloss, and walla!

    and bring your eye stuff, lipglosss, and conceler/powdr with u
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