
MARGARINES! questions about the types of oil used

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i need to know the similarities and differences of making margarine using

a.olive oil

b.soybean oil

c.corn oil

d. coconut oil

i also need to know what's the difference when you make margarines using the same oils. example: when i use ___ oil the margarine is more smoother/creamier/less viscuous etc,

a.olive oil

b.soybean oil

c.corn oil

d. coconut oil





  1. use olive oil it is the healthiest of the oils you mentioned

  2. I don't make my own margarine, but I always buy Becel with Olive Oil.  It's the healthiest oil, and the lowest in Trans-fat (bad fats).

    Olive Oil.  The margarine I buy is creamy, but I'm sorry, I don't know the exact ratios they use when making...

  3. I use butter, myself.

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