
MATH HELP: what does "evaluate the power" mean??!!??!!?

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my math book says

EVALUATING POWERS: evaluate the powers

3^2 10^2 1^5 11^3 and so on. my teacher didn't explain it so what does it mean?!?!?! PLZ HELP!




  1. she means by actually putting out the numbers instead of using the powers.cause whatever powers you have is how much of the number is.thats why it's called powers.

    like 3^2 is 3x3 cause the power of 2,and you have two 3's.

    or 1^3 is 1x1x1.

    same thing goes for 10^2

  2. I can help you! We are doing this in my Pre-Al class too.

    Example: Say I have 2^3

                     (Two to the third power)

    To evalute the power, is to simply just write out the multiplication part of it. So the answer would be: 2x2x2

    Here is another example: 4^2

    The 4 is your base number, and the 2 is your exponent. You right your base number the number of times the exponent says.

    The answer would be 4x4.

    Hope this helps. Any questions, e-mail me. Good luck!

  3. its kind of complicated but all they want you to do is say pretty much like 3*3, 10*10, 1*1*1*1*1, or 11*11*11

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