
MATRIX: is agent smith's assessment of the human race as a virus an accurate observation?

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MATRIX: is agent smith's assessment of the human race as a virus an accurate observation?




  1. Yes

  2. In a metaphoric way yes. A virus is more pure, without conscience. It never tries to help but only destroys. We as people have a conscience and we do think of our people as well as other living things and how to keep a balance of survival, despite all the damage caused by people for survival, as well as curiosity over our existence. A virus doesn't care why or how it just does it's thing without thought of it's own mortality or other's mortality.

  3. Only in the context of that computer programmer created world that can only exist within a computer and no-where else, would that value system that organic beings such as humans would appear to be viral to silicon based artificial intelligence (which humans created in the first place).

  4. Love the question!  Based on our (human) classification system we are not a virus....But, in Agent Smith's world....his assessment was interestingly profound, and accurate.

  5. Hmmm. Good point but i dont think so.

    The human race is different fro ma virus. A virus needs a biological host (no computer viruses) in order to survive. It will spread amongst memebrs of the same species until it evolves, spreading to anotehr species until the creatures develope an immunity. Then will it only stop.

    Humans on the other hand, spread but we do not need biological hosts to survive. We have learnt how to create our own food whereas a virus cant. We spread and destroy everything in order to better our survival but eventually we will destroy ourslelves.

    A virus is stopped by others, whereas we stop ourselves.

    I'm trying to make some sense here...

    I think agent smith used the phrase metaphorically rather than scientifically.

  6. Hmm, I'd have to point out that viruses whinge less and work harder for less pay...

  7. I would consider it's a valid interpretation.

    The rate of multiplication, the damage we are doing to the world is similar, as is the way the humans in the film are entirely dependant on the Matrix and yet oblivious to it in a way, just like a virus inside a body.

    A very interesting question, have a star!

  8. No, not really.

  9. All we are is a virus with shoes

  10. No

  11. No, its more related to our newest discoveries since the genome project was complete that show evidence that about 41% of our DNA was from Viral origin. So, we mostly evolved from interaction with pathogens in our environment, thus making human symbiotic entities. At the end of this logics, was that the Earth should also be the ultimate organism, which we are part of.

    The matrix implement many of those new theories in a virtual format to make it more attractive and more evident.

    Anyways, symbiogenesis theory is quite young and have a lot to prove, but still, I consider it, one of the most important discovery of our millenium... Even more important than E=MC2...

  12. Can I just say all Bill Hicks quotes were always  second hand.

    We are only virus in that we have opened our arms to an imperfection which is impossible to get out of without help. Actions and consequences show up on things as simple as our coast lines.  Thank you Mr Anderson.

  13. I would

    looking at the way the population is growing and the state of the environment I think we have made this plannet very ill, Much the same way as a virus multiplies the host becomes ill

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