Hey everyone I have kind of an embarrsing question to ask. I put it in MENS HEALTH bc I want a male only opinion. Yes, I know wrong catagory.
I have been dating a new guy, and I am extremley self concious about my about my area down below. I happened to be cursed with larger then normal labia lips (the inside lips). We have messed around a few times but he really wants to perform oral on me and i cant bring myself to let him just see everything yet. I used to be embaressed just going to ob.gyn till I finally got over it. Its not just the lips its the whole thing, it kind of hangs =( Is it ok to talk to him about it with him and let him know that it makes me very uncomfortable? Or should I just keep my mouth shut? We have been hanging out every single day for the past 3 1/2 weeks, have this incredible connection and have known him for a few yrs now, so its not like hes a total stranger. Is there a good way to put it? Thanks in advance. Please no cruel commetns, there not needed here.