
MBA at 20?? hmmm?

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Hey i'll be done my undergrad soon so I was wondering should I wait for my MBA and get more experience or should i go ahead and pursue an MBA at 20?




  1. Definitely not. In graduate business school, (i'm talking about the good ones, assuming that you want to attend a top MBA program..) your classmates will possess rich work experience and a level of maturity that far surpasses that of a fresh undergrad. You will find yourself at a severe disadvantage.

    The poster above also got it exactly right. All of the top business school programs require at least 2 years of work experience, or at least a masters degree, before accepting you. That means that you'll only be able to get into perhaps a top 30 program at the very best.

    You're young, so take advantage of the time you have earned for yourself to start blazing the career world early, or get some cool international experience. This will contribute to your chances of getting into a quality MBA program, and you'll still enter and be one of the youngest in your class at 22 or 23 years old.

  2. when did u start college? if you can get your MBA at 20, go ahead. you can establish yourself at an early age and possibly(your plans) have a family while still young.

  3. GO FOR IT!!!!

    your still young and have a great head on your shoulders, it would be an amazing addition to your undergrad at any age but if you wait there is always the chance that something could come up later that would prevent you from getting it.  With the way things are going in the US right now you should go for it and secure your future while your young and then you wont have to worry about trying to find time to go back at a later date!  

    Congrats, and best of luck!

  4. Yeah since you have already done BA I would go for MBA financing Financing can help you with investments in the future. MBA is good if you want to start a buisness too.

  5. Go for it girl!

  6. Do it now while your still in study mode.

  7. i would go for the mba now. nothin to lose much more to gain.

  8. YES!!

  9. I would advice you to go get a job first before reading for a MBA. My reasons are as follows:

    1. Most good universities with great ranking and reputation would need at least 2 years of full time working experiences after graduation. This will contribute towards better sharing and provides better networking opportunities for students.

    Q: Would you rather be in a class which is made up of students with managerial experiences and contacts that will be useful for career advancements or class full of students with no full time processional working experiences at all? - Notice why good universities would normally indicate the class profile in their prospectus. Example: NYU:

    2. You will appreciate your MBA studies more if you are able to apply classroom theories onto your working experiences. The real business world is far more complex than text books case studies. Personally, I did my postgraduate studies part time after 3 yrs of work and I linked my projects as close as possible to my work.

    3. At entry level, without working experiences - an MBA will not be of much help in securing a good job, especially in a economic downturn. As a employer - I would rather hire a graduate with working experiences rather than a MBA holder without any experiences at all.

    Some links that might be useful for you:

    MBA rankings:

    These are my views and I hope they are useful. A

    ll the best in whatever decision you make. God Bless.
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