
MCCAIN or OBAMA ??????? ?

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McCain/Palin '08


Obama/Biden '08





    But I'm going to choose McCain.

    EDIT: Go CorBow!!!! Yay!!

  2. BARAK!!!!

  3. OBAMA/BIDEN '08

    If i had to choose

  4. Mccain! Yup!  

  5. i am a independent. i honestly do not like either of them.but if i could vote it would be for McCain. so far most of what Obama is saying seems very hard to do. like health care. yeah it would be good if everyone had health care but who is going to be paying for it? Tax payers! hello!! does anyone know how much taxes will increase! Also pulling the troops out is great but first that proves the soldiers that died over there already died for nothing. also once our presence leaves iraq other countries will invade it. so if obama gets elected and doesn't do anything he promised of he did and it made things worse i am going to rub it in obama supporters faces! but me hating Obama does not mean i am a Bush supporter. just want to throw that out there.  

  6. Obama / Biden

  7. cain!

  8. Obama.

  9. obama

  10. Obama/Biden

  11. McCain/Palin '08

    I would be too afraid to vote the other way.

  12. Neither.

  13. Mr O of course!

    and I think its the other way around with the 9/11. Talkin to you, post above!

  14. I could get into it and really turn some heads, but my fingers are cold and I don't want to type too much.

    My fearless prediction is McCain.

  15. Obama. Here's an inspiring image of CHANGE;

  16. Obama!!!

  17. Obama Biden 08

    Theyre the first people im able to vote for...and im gonna

  18. McCain.

    If Obama gets elected, prepare for another couple 9/11's. He already has said talking is the way.

  19. Obama/Biden!

  20. Obama/Biden '08 all the way! ^^

  21. Never trust a politician ........or the Gov't.

  22. I'm leaning toward McCain at this point

  23. obviously obama.  

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