
MCR are being blamed for a suicidaly depressed 13 year olds suicide!!!!!!!!, what's your point of view??

by  |  earlier

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if you don't already know the story then here is the link

it's not a great link but it was the clearest one i could find

plz leave a comment




  1. Every time I hear MCR I want to turn g*y.

  2. If I were 13 and had to listen to them I'd off myself too.

  3. daily mail has the story...

    i'm thinking...emo subculture only goes that extreme when idiots think they have to take it that far. it's possible to be emo and like MCR without self-harming or killing yourself.

    on the other hand, if the kid really did have problems, no-one noticed and they just want a scapegoat. cue MCR...

  4. My opinion is she wanted to pretend to attempt suicide to be "cool" with the emo's but her attempt went further then she expected. She didn't want to die, she just wanted to impress. Sad. But blaming it on a band is just stupid.

  5. Teens have been committing suicide for centuries.  Things like this don't cause it, they coincide with it.  Maybe this kid liked MCR for the same reasons she killed herself. Trying to blame music, video games, movies, etc. for those things which have always existed is just cheap, easy and lazy.  There's always more to it than can be included in an article.

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