
MD/PA/RN's...what do you like when being job shadowed?

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I job shadow a PA and I want to job shadow more. I'm just wondering what I can do to make them glad they are letting me do it, so I'm not just being someone who gets in the way so that I can only benefit myself.

I've thought about being like "want me to getcha some coffee?" But I also don't want to be an obvious suck up.




  1. I have job shadowed a lot of people, and they all have different expectations. Some would love coffee, but that is not the reason that you are there. Be attentive and look interested. Ask questions, but don't harass them either. That can be hard to do, so just trust your judgment. Bring a little notebook and write down questions that pop into your head while they are busy so that you can ask them at a better time. Be available, but stay out of the way so you don't interfere with their job.

    This sounds tough and I know I am kind of contradicting myself, but it can be hard to get what you need to know and look interesting without being more of a burden. No matter what you will probably be making their job more difficult since they will need to be on their best behavior and will need to explain everything. Just be sensitive to this. People get annoyed by different things, so you will just need to pay attention to their cues to see what they expect. Good luck.

  2. Just relax and have a great time absorbing what you are being exposed to. I am an RN I would not expect anything from someone who is shadowing me.  Keep in mind that you are there purely for observation, not coffee getting.  You can show your appreciation by thanking them for allowing you to shadow. Ask all the questions you can, but do wait until you are alone and things are settled.

    Also just some side info people always like to be complimented on doing a good job at something even if it is a little thing. For example Mr Jones was really agitated, I liked the way you were able to calm him down. Just use this one time and your whole day goes better. Make sure you are sincere.

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