
ME'S GOT TO MUCH MONNIES! please help..........?

by Guest32789  |  earlier

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where cans me hides all's mine monnies so it not affect mines asylum seekers allowance off english govment. me has 4 jobs on sly paying me's lots of cash an me's not want to loose all mine monnies an all other freebees off govment like house an car. would a villa in Turkey be good investment ?????




  1. go for it my son,me thinks you speak with forked tongue.

  2. Give me yours monnies for de safekeeeping.

  3. i suggest getting some english lessons...

  4. WTF??

  5. Very droll. There's no such thing as asylum seekers allowance and free cars. Go and do a bit of research on the subject first before you come on here making your ignorant remarks.

  6. Very funny, load of b......s but quite funny. We have stopped getting annoyed at asylum seekers taking all our money because its frankly not worth getting annoyed about. Nice try to wind people up, it may wind some up but not most any more, free points though.

  7. No you can hide all your imaginary money, house,car in teletubby land!!! because thats not real either!!!

  8. lol yh good idea mate!

    go for it


  9. Bad mimicking. Keep on practicing.

  10. u bighead give me all the money

  11. Err...  YOU COULD GIVE IT TO ME!!!!

    Also you can bugger off back to your own country mate.

    People like you shouldn't be allowed to live of the state. There are people in this country who really do need help and you're just taking all the spare money.

  12. I had big pile of money. Spent it all on  wine, women, gambling & cars - the rest got wasted.

  13. If this wasn't such a regular occurence then this would be funny! lol

    There are british people being denied life saving drugs because the government says they are too expensive yet thwy willingly let people into the country to sponge off the tax payers and abuse the system!!

  14. Why dont you give it to the british people and **** off home

  15. are you taking the p*ss, why dont you just go back to Turkey! its scroungers like you are are making this country go down hill fast! sod off............

  16. All that money and not one living brain cell!  What a waste.

  17. You're funny!

    Yeah it probably would or buy a mansion for the buzz! You could also invedt in other businesses! :)

  18. Ha, good on you mate, a villa in turkey sounds great.

  19. spend some of your "monnies" on a good spellchecker mate that would be a good start.

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