
MEDAL OF HONOUR HEROES 2 for 13 years old???

by Guest32331  |  earlier

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Should i buy him this wii game?




  1. if its rated 16+ than no. hes  13, not 16+.

    children should only play games and watch movies that are rated for them.

  2. I think it's fine, it's just a military-type game with no blood and minimal violence.

  3. Definitely.  Even the online mode is safe, you can only say things like "Move left" or "Attack" with your wii-mote.

    I don't remember there being any swearing and there's no blood.  People just fall down when you shoot them.  It's completely safe.

  4. in the US system its rated 13+ actually

    i have it and it aint a bloody game

    no blood or gore and the little violence is gun fighting

  5. Yeah? What's it rated? I'll edit if you add details about the game because some people have never even heard of the game.

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