My friend was insured with a company last year and went to her OB GYN for a routine examination. She thought she was getting a pap smear, but now, a year later, she gets a random bill for over $300 in the mail. She called to straighten everything out and she was informed that her insurance was not covering the HPV screening the doctor performed on her. She told her doctor that she never asked for or authorized an HPV screening, ONLY a routine exam and pap smear. The office informed her that they perform the HPV test on all women under 30 and that most insurance companies pay for it, but her insurance company did not. Is this fair? Lauren didn't even know that she received an HPV screening and no one informed her of anything. The other thing is that Lauren had an HPV screening 2 years ago and the test came back positive! So she would never have authorized this $300 test in the first place. This seems really wrong. Any advice? Does she really have to pay for this test?? Thanks for help!