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ok, i been hearing that sometime in the near future that a Mega Tsnaumi will hit. (mega tsnaumi- a tsnaumi that is over thousands of feet high and travels at super sonic speads) they say that the atlantic ocean will flood thousands of cities!

but idk, is this true!? because i live right near the atlantic ocean (in massachusettes!)

and i am scared to death!




  1. The biggest tsunamis happen from large under-water earth quakes which lift hundreds of square miles of sea floor up to 30 feet or so. This displaces an immense volume of water which has to go sloshing somewhere. Not all under-sea earthquakes will cause a tsunami; if it only slips sideways or just a crack widens (with little or no vertical movement you usually don't get any big waves, because minimal water gets displaced. As for the scare about LaPalma, if the mountain side collapses into the sea, it will only displace a few cubic miles of water, so it would only be a major problem to land that is fairly nearby. By the time the wave would get here it would be so spread out (think like a pebble disturbing the surface of a still pond) that it probably wouldn't do anything significant.

  2. I live in miami. I'm starting to get scared, too :O

    But, like the guy above said, not in the next few thousand years, probably.

  3. well this is the first ive herd of it...I live in maine, so im startin to think the same thing as you.

  4. I think you are thinking about La Palma in the Canary Islands off the coast of West Africa. Geologists are pretty certain that half of the island will slip into the Atlantic, causing the mega-tsunami that you mention.

    The bad news (as I understand it) is that it WILL DEFINITELY happen at some time.

    The slightly better news is that we don't know when it will happen, but probably not in the next few thousand years.

  5. i've heard about it but the cause that they were saying was a 1km wide asteroid hitting. there aint one that they know about yet so don't worry
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