
MEGA help needed cuz i am so helpless?

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Does anyone have any tips on hgow to become popular? Im am sooooo ignored and teased all the time




  1. Be Yourself.

    Why are you concerned about being popular anyway? If people don't accept you for who you are then you shouldn't want to hang out with them.

  2. I can remember a gazillion years ago being teased in school.  It was horrid.  I spoke to my school counsellor and had my classes changed from the kids that were bothering me.

    That being said, if you can't accomplish this, then you must ignore the teasing totally and go about your business with a positive attitude and good upright posture.

    Find your own clique of friends.  You will be happy with your friends and it will no longer matter if you are considered popular.  You will have your own circle of loyal and fun friends.

    You can meet these people through clubs and activities that all of you enjoy.  Or you can see someone sitting alone during lunch time and join the person.  One person, turns into two people, then three people, and so on.  

    That is what I did.  And I made it happily thereafter in school.    

  3. ok so im 13 and i know this stuff...why would you wanna be friends with someone that makes fun of you?? and when they do tease you, just keep your head up high and walk away....the smartest thing to do is ignore them

  4. don't worry about people teasing you. ignore them. once they realize that you aren't mad about the teasing they will stop.

  5. Aw. Hun, you just HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO be yourself! :]

    Being yourself, and you'll learn this sometime, is more important than being popular. It lasts longer and is more rewarding.

    But, if you want to be in a little more, try just being okay with what you're doing, have the confidence, and don't push into people too much, especially the populars. If you think you can get a good comment in, do it, but don't pester them. Just let things go, be fun, relaxed, etc.... and be yourself! You'll fall into place! :]

  6. Work on yourself first. Start by treating yourself well. Consider all that you are.Write a list of what makes you special. If you can't, have a close friend or relative  write it for you.Post it some place where you will see it every day.Try new things that interest you. You need to expand from the inside first. It is a weird thing.When you can find love for yourself and learn to respect yourself as an individual ,you will find a miraculous thing.People are drawn to you.You don't have to even try to get attention.if you can't do it yourself you will need to see a psychologist who will get you on track.

  7. Be yourself. Don't try to be anything you're not. Tell the people off that tease you. Say "Do you not have anythig better to do then to waste your breath teasing me because I do not care"

    Well, obviously you do care or you wouldn't be posting this. But make your own friends. Don't try to fit in t=with those stuck up b**ches =.D

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