
MEN, how can do you determine if a woman wants to be left alone or is willing to be chatted up?

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I ask this because some of my friends and I were talking about how they will have their ipods on or are reading, yet men will chat them up...

While other men say they "know" when women want to talk...

So what do you look for?




  1. My mom says don't talk to strangers.

  2. Repeated eye contact is a sign for me.  A bored look on their face is a give away as well.

  3. When she pulls a knife out.........

  4. I feel like I miss out on meeting lots of women because they are so tired of being hit on by guys who hit on every woman. It makes me feel like I have to prove myself instead of just being myself. Really good looking women become distrusting because of all the lies they hear. Its really a shame and it makes me want to hurt the men that I see who make women feel like they can't walk around alone without being harassed.  

  5. If I want to talk to a woman, I interrupt her -- unless it seems like a situation where interrupting her would be inappropriate -- and politely start asking questions.

    What I have to say is more important than a music player or book. Now if she still isn't interested, I tuck the cheesy pickup lines away. But it's about trying to connect, not finding a good time interject for a stranger's favor.

  6. that is a really good question and thanks for asking it. I also wanted to know...and I really enjoy reading what the men wrote, I like the guys best who don't approach strangers.

  7. I look for someone who isnt listening to her ipod and who is not reading.

    Any man who says otherwise is someone who is ether suffering from overblown ego or suffering from mental illness

  8. I go on the assumption that all women will reject me, so I don't try. Reading women is just fraught with danger.

  9. Usually the very fact that she is wearing an ipod in of itself implies that she is using it as a way to try to avoid people. Only the most determined guy will try to speak to a girl who is wearing one.

    It's trial and error mostly. If we see a woman that we like, we will ask her a question and see how she responds (usually a question as to where she got her ipod). If she pulls out her earphones and sounds angry or impatient, then she obviously wants to be left alone.

    Before you speak to her, it is hard to tell if she wants to be left alone or not. If she is frowning, or sitting in a corner with her back to the room, then she probably isn't in a mood to speak to anyone. If she is singing, or dancing slightly, then she is in a good mood, and isn't really concentrating on what she is reading.

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  10. The iPod in the ear is always a clue they are looking to be chatted up :)

    I usually look for eye contact. More than one glance and you make your approach.

    If they then look away and try to seem interested in something else, I stop and tie my shoe while acting like that was my intention all along.

  11. If they seem totally absorbed in what there doing then I will mind my own business pretty much.

       But if she is reading or messing around on her cell phone casually while looking around then it is usually a good time to strike up a conversation.

  12. Eye to eye contact.

  13. I just talk to friends of my friends. I rather not talk to random women.

  14. I have no idea.   The only relationships I've been in started as friends.

    Though I'd assume that if they're listening to music, or reading then they don't want to be bothered, I know I wouldn't want to be.

    They glancing over thing is that real, because I get that a lot, and assume that I just have something in my teeth.

  15. I look for eye contact and body language (like a smile or an opening gesture)

  16. I usually don't approach a woman untill she shows interest.

  17. Feedback. No feedback = "Leave me the f*** alone."

    Not saying it's right, but that's what I do.

  18. You have a gut feeling, if someone isn't approachable in your opinion, she probably isn't, Same goes for approachable.  

  19. the only real way to find out is to talk to them, if they respond positively, then they want to talk, if not, I leave them alone. easy.

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