
MEN, is it a good idea to let you know when you're creeping us out

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if you're making us feel uncomfortable? And saying it in a matter of fact way, not to cause humiliation?

When is it not a good idea?




  1. YES otherwise we'll never know!

  2. We prefer it.

  3. I would say to ask the boy if you two can have a serious talk. Just explain to him what your feelings are.

    If he's a good guy he will realize that he was being "weird" or whatever.

    Hopefully it helps.

  4. it is rude and uneducated to say it, even in a matter of fact way. so, it is never a good idea. the socially acceptable behavior would be simply to excuse yourself from the conversation and leave discreetly.

    it would of course be most generous of you to leave him in the company of others, before politely announcing your intended leave.

  5. bigg your creeping us out...and it's kinda sicking as well. please stop.

    did it work????

    Hey it did...or was that the YA reporting system? oh well.

  6. yes so i know not to do that around you

  7. Yes because obviously they have no idea that they are doing it.

  8. If it's an isolated incidence then reveal your feelings. If it's pretty much related to consistence behavior then maybe it would be a good idea to silently but expediently move on.

  9. 'Creepy' is not gender specific.

    A woman I barely knew once accused me of ignoring her.

    Telling someone they're being "creepy" is a judgement designed to belittle, even if it does feel like they're being creepy. "Uncomfortable" is a fact. If you're uncomfortable, you have a right to express that to the person making you uncomfortable.

  10. Always a good idea, who wants to be, or be with a creep?

  11. I asked my boyfriend and he said:

    Not a good idea when you're with /other/ people


    while you're having s*x

  12. i wish you would have given an example because I agree with 18YOGHULL it is rude what if it is something like you don't like the way he is eating a turkey sandwich i say excuse yourself and go somewhere else but if he is invading your space or privacy maybe perhaps you should speak up.

  13. I absolutely think women should let us know if and when we creep you out.  That is the main reason I stopped actively seeking women more than 30 years ago.  Even a kind, innocent notion was more too often interpreted as something much more sinister than it was.

  14. Most of it doesn't come from the words you use but in the tone of your voice. I'm not sure how to describe the right way to say it but if you try saying it out loud and put yourself in his shoes I'm sure you'll find the right way. It also depends on the guy, some are more sensitive than others and need a gentler approach.

  15. always let them know and stand up for what you believe in. If someone violated you or makes you feel uncomfortable, TELL THEM. I was in a situation and I told the guy, he didnt want to hear me out or even think he did something wrong. .... It was frustrating. Then I realized, he's never gonna listen. He's never gonna get it.... But that was him. Not all guys are that insensitive...

  16. Definitly in PRIVATE but as long as someone's not the stalker type just say "hey can you back off a little maybe we should slow it down a little." But let them know you still like them and enjoy their company

  17. Yeah, it's always a good idea to let others know how you feel in a direct manner.

    It's not a good idea if you feel otherwise.

  18. I wouldn't creep somebody as pretty as you are.  Men was put on earth to love women.  Not creep them out.

  19. its not a good idea if the man has an axe in his hand and your alone......

  20. Ah, the gut instinct. How about, "No offense, but you are kind of creeping me out!"

    It's not a good idea to say this I would think if you don't know the guy very well. It might egg him on...

  21. why do i get the feeling that a man eating a turkey sandwich is enough to creep you out?

  22. When I am sort of creeping my woman out she cues me politely and I tone down on what I am doing, even though it doesn't happen often.  

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